Trivia Night Answer Sheet Template
We invite ALL (21 and over) to join us!
Alumni, new families, faculty, friends of Good Shepherd School or those who just love trivia, you are invited!
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Trivia Game Template
Trivia Night is an informal, fun competition where teams battle to see who has the greatest knowledge of trivia! The operative word here is “team.” A team, by our definition, consists of 8 to 10 people, eight being the minimum, ten being the maximum. Nine is perfectly acceptable. Seven is too few. Eleven and above is too many. That should cover questions on the team aspect. Whether your team consists of eight, nine or ten members, your costs will be the same -- $200* per team (table). Full payment of $200* is due at time of registration to secure your team table.
If you are unable to procure a team of 8-10 players, you may enter the contest as an individual for $25* per person. We will group those individual players into tables of 8-10 to make up a team table the night of the event.
*After registration deadline, IF space is still available, tables will be $250 and individual players will be $30 pp.
Trivia Night Answer Sheet Templates
Print answer sheets This page features answer sheets that you may be able to use if you are running a quiz to hand out to either individuals or teams for them to write their answers on. There are a variety of different formats, with the number of questions per round, number of rounds and number of rounds per page changing, and each answer sheet. QuizNightChief takes the hassle out of organising a Quiz Night Over 1900 Questions ( view categories) Add your own custom Questions; Team Answer sheets automatically created. Slide Show to project Questions automatically created. Quick and easy scoring. Automatically generate reports on how teams went! $40(USD) $40(AU) £25(UK).
Trivia Night Answer Sheet Template 1 100
There will be seven to ten (10) rounds with ten (10) questions per round. Each question will be read twice. In the interest of time and short attention spans, we will be extremely strict about this. If you are having trouble hearing, please raise your hand immediately so we can make adjustments. Asking for someone else to read the questions is not an adjustment; it’s just hurtful to the reader.
Each table will select a captain. The captain’s duty is to fill out the table’s answer sheet for each round that will be collected by runners “time is up” later. We recommend nominating a captain in who is good at filling in answer sheets in a timely manner.

Don’t be a dud! There will be a contest for the best table theme. So, when you are usually on facebook, twitter or solitaire at work, think about your theme. Don’t forget to coordinate the team members’ attire too! Some examples: Happy Campers, Favorite College Team, Nursery Rhyme, etc. Get creative!
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