Victoria 2 Province Id Map

- Victoria 2 Province Id Map Posted By admin On 02/07/19 PDM introduces new goods, so that means new ways to produce them, to use them or different ways to produce existing goods. In bold are the new Goods, RGOs, Artisans and Factories introduced by PDM. 1216 rows From Victoria 2 Wiki.
- Spawnunit unit province id - A unit appears in the province specified at 0 organization and full strength. In case of a land unit, the soldiers will come from a random province. Suppress num - Adds suppression points to your country.
See Full List On
For a larger province-by-province map, see here PDM adds a huge number of new country tags to Victoria 2 (many of them coming from New Nations Mod ). Most of these countries are potential revolters that exist only as cores on the map at game-start, but a number of new countries have been added to the starting 1836 setup. Change author name for existing comments word 2011 mac. Corel license validation service v2 powered by arvato.
Aug 31st, 2015
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- country_event = {
- title = 'Cheat Menu'
- desc = 'Welcome to the Cheat Menu. Choose a catagory.'
- is_triggered_only = yes
- option = {
- country_event = 2
- option = {
- country_event = 3
- option = {
- country_event = 4
- option = {
- country_event = 5
- option = {
- country_event = 6
- option = {
- country_event = 7
- }
- country_event = {
- title = 'Rebels'
- picture = 'riot'
- is_triggered_only = yes
- option = {
- any_pop = {
- militancy = -200
- remove_country_modifier = rebels
- name = no_rebels
- }
- option = {
- any_pop = {
- militancy = 200
- remove_country_modifier = no_rebels
- name = rebels
- }
- option = {
- remove_country_modifier = rebels
- }
- # Money, Gold and Liferating
- id = 3
- desc = 'Choose an option.'
- name = 'Gold in all Provinces'
- trade_goods = precious_metal
- }
- name = 'Extra Cash'
- }
- name = 'Increase Liferating'
- life_rating = 100
- }
- # Research and Literacy
- id = 4
- desc = 'Choose an option.'
- name = 'Add Research Points'
- }
- name = 'Increase Literacy'
- literacy = 100
- }
- # Ideology, State Form and National Value
- id = 5
- title = 'Ideology, State Form and National Value'
- name = 'Ideology'
- }
- name = 'State Form'
- }
- name = 'National Value: Order'
- }
- name = 'National Value: Liberty'
- }
- name = 'National Value: Equality'
- }
- # Population
- id = 6
- desc = 'Choose an option.'
- name = 'Kill Foreigners (no reverse)'
- limit = {
- is_accepted_culture = no
- reduce_pop = 0.0
- }
- name = 'Adjust Foreigners.'
- name = adjust
- }
- option = {
- any_owned = {
- name = breed
- }
- }
- name = 'Normal'
- any_owned = {
- }
- }
- country_event = {
- title = 'Foreign Relations, Annexation and Cores'
- picture = 'treaty'
- is_triggered_only = yes
- option = {
- country_event = 13
- option = {
- country_event = 19
- }
- country_event = {
- title = 'Ideology'
- picture = 'christ'
- is_triggered_only = yes
- option = {
- upper_house = {
- value = 2.00
- any_pop = {
- value = reactionary
- }
- }
- name = 'Conservative'
- ideology = conservative
- }
- ideology = {
- factor = 500.00
- }
- option = {
- upper_house = {
- value = 2.00
- any_pop = {
- value = liberal
- }
- }
- name = 'Anarcho-Liberal'
- ideology = anarcho_liberal
- }
- ideology = {
- factor = 500.00
- }
- option = {
- upper_house = {
- value = 2.00
- any_pop = {
- value = socialist
- }
- }
- name = 'Communist'
- ideology = communist
- }
- ideology = {
- factor = 500.00
- }
- option = {
- upper_house = {
- value = 2.00
- any_pop = {
- value = fascist
- }
- }
- # State Form
- id = 9
- desc = 'Choose a State Form'
- name = 'Absolute Monarchy'
- }
- name = 'Prussian Constitutionalism'
- }
- name = HMS Government'
- }
- name = 'a democracy!'
- }
- name = 'Fascist Dictatorship'
- }
- name = 'Proletarian Dictatorship'
- }
- name = 'Presidential Dictatorship'
- }
- name = 'Bourgeois Dictatorship'
- }
- country_event = {
- title = 'Order!'
- desc = 'Our society has changed to one based on order, law and government.'
- NOT = {
- }
- government = absolute_monarchy
- government = fascist_dictatorship
- }
- months = 1
- name = 'Great!'
- }
- country_event = {
- title = 'Liberty!'
- desc = 'Our society has changed to one based on liberty, freedom and civil rights.'
- NOT = {
- }
- government = democracy
- }
- months = 1
- name = 'Great!'
- }
- country_event = {
- title = 'Equality!'
- desc = 'Our society has changed to one based on equality, common interest and patriots.'
- NOT = {
- }
- government = proletarian_dictatorship
- }
- months = 1
- name = 'Great!'
- }
- # Celebrate!
- id = 13
- desc = 'Celebrations of our great nation are going on, people are happy and enjoying. They are proud to be part of $THISCOUNTRY$!'
- war = no
- NOT = {
- }
- prestige = 250
- }
- months = 1
- name = 'Inspire our allies.'
- add_country_modifier = {
- duration = 730
- any_pop = {
- }
- limit = {
- }
- alliance_with = THIS
- relation = {
- value = 200
- }
- country_event = 14
- any_country = {
- NOT = {
- }
- }
- who = THIS
- }
- any_country = {
- NOT = {
- is_greater_power = yes
- alliance_with = THIS
- country_event = 15
- }
- option = {
- prestige = 10
- name = happy
- }
- militancy = -5
- }
- # Join supporters
- id = 14
- desc = 'The people of $FROMCOUNTRY$ have inspired our people to join their nation.'
- name = 'Lets see their response.'
- limit = {
- }
- }
- # Extra Influence
- id = 15
- desc = 'The people of $FROMCOUNTRY$ are celebrating, $FROMCOUNTRY$ knows a thing or two about keeping people happy. Shall we ask them for advice?'
- name = 'No.'
- name = 'Im sure we can learn something from them.'
- militancy = -1
- any_country = {
- diplomatic_influence = {
- value = 25
- relation = {
- value = 25
- }
- # Join?
- id = 16
- desc = 'The people of $FROMCOUNTRY$ have been inspired to join our nation. Do you let them?'
- name = 'Ofcourse!'
- limit = {
- }
- any_owned = {
- }
- }
- name = 'No, $FROMCOUNTRY$ must stay independent.'
- badboy = -5
- limit = {
- }
- }
- }
- country_event = {
- title = 'Sign the treaty?'
- desc = '$FROMCOUNTRY$ wants to annex us, and our people support it, shall we sign the treaty? Refusing to sign will cause some trouble.'
- name = 'Very well then.'
- inherit = THIS
- ai_chance = {
- }
- name = 'Never!'
- casus_belli = {
- type = annex_core_country
- }
- name = no_join
- }
- who = FROM
- }
- militancy = 3
- }
- }
- country_event = {
- title = '$THISCOUNTRY$ stays independant'
- desc = '$FROMCOUNTRY$ respects our independance and refuses to annex us. Our people did not hope for this, but have to accept it.'
- name = '$FROMCOUNTRY$ is a true ally.'
- name = no_join
- }
- }
- country_event = {
- title = 'New Borders?'
- desc = 'Shall we adjust our de jure borders? This means gaining cores in currently owned territory, while losing them in territory owned by other countries. Also new maps are needed.'
- war = no
- has_country_modifier = border
- }
- mean_time_to_happen = {
- }
- option = {
- prestige = 10
- paper = -5
- name = border
- }
- add_core = THIS
- any_country = {
- vassal_of = THIS
- any_owned = {
- }
- any_country = {
- AND = {
- NOT = {
- }
- }
- remove_core = THIS
- }
- name = 'Keep the old ones.'
- name = border
- }
- }
- put this inside events folder and name it something.
- then this one you put inside event modifiers or something
- no_rebels = {
- pop_consciousness_modifier = -0.2
- }
- rebels = {
- pop_consciousness_modifier = 0.2
- }
- adjust = {
- immigrant_attract = -1000
- }
- breed = {
- global_population_growth = 0.003
- }
- happy = {
- }
- no_join = {
- }
- border = {
- }
- famous = {
- }
- not_famous = {
- }
Victoria 2 Province Id Map -