Zet Astrology Software
Zet Astrology Software ZET Astrology Software – Suitable for both the experienced astrologer and beginners. Capabilities include mouse sensitive natal chart, astro-cartography, 9100 fixed stars and 3D astro-planetarium. It is possible to use up to 41 factors in a chart including planets, points and any selected asteroids. ZET - Astrology Software. Your Personal Horoscope: Name: Birth date: Birth time: h m: City, county: Country: Latitude, longitude, time zone: To calculate your horoscope do following: Enter your name (specify a correct name - it will be specified in the reading text). Do not forgot to enter date and time of a birth. If time is not known, enter.
What makes astrology software from WOW unique?
Free Astrology Software. ZET 9 ZET's main features are an interactive, mouse-sensitive natal chart, and full dynamic ability. ZET is a utility created for astrologists that includes astronomy data making it a good tool for learning astronomy as well. The program helps one to study a natal chart and make predictions regarding future life trends. The natal chart is interactive and actions such as selecting planets and requesting for an aspect grid, an interpretation or a description to be displayed can be performed.
What makes World of Wisdom astrology software unique? All WOW software is interpretation software, which means that apart from the automatic calculation of accurate horoscopes from anywhere in the world, each and every astrological influence has a detailed interpretation connected with it. You can in fact click anywhere on the horoscope wheel, and an astrological interpretation can immediately be seen in the interpretation window.
Furthermore, these programs are advanced astrology prediction software, which enables you to understand exactly what is going on in your life here and now. This astrology software is available for download as a free trial, and you can use it for a month before having to buy a registration key. You can access our astrology software online on this site and download it now. World of Wisdom programs are professional astrology software which also provides detailed astrology reports, which you can give freely to friends and family. You can also buy a license to sell the astrology reports professionally.
Despite providing accurate horoscope calculation and complete, detailed astrology reports of 25+ pages in length, World of Wisdom astrology software is inexpensive and amazingly user-friendly. Whether you are a beginner or an expert, using these astrology programs is pleasurable and without unnecessary complication or technicalities.
Horoscope Interpreter (Windows only)
Horoscope Interpreter from World of Wisdom was written and designed by Adrian Duncan and was one of the very first Windows astrology programs on the market. This horoscope software has in fact been translated into 12 languages, and is the most sold astrological software in the world
Astrology Calendar (Windows only)
One of the challenges in writing and designing an Astrology Calendar program is the fact that the days pass so quickly that people scarcely have time to focus on what is going on around them.
Astrology for Lovers (Windows only)
There is no astrology software on the market, which interprets compatibility charts for lovers as accurately and in such detail as the Astrology for Lovers program from World of Wisdom. The astrology of love compatibility – love itself – is of course incredibly subtle. What brings people together, and what.. READ MORE
Free AstroClock iOS App
The AstroClock has been a labor of love, and the first version is now available on the App Store.. READ MORE
What makes astrology software from WOW unique?
What makes World of Wisdom astrology software unique? All WOW software is interpretation software, which means that apart from the automatic calculation of accurate horoscopes from anywhere in the world, each and every astrological influence has a detailed interpretation connected with it. You can in fact click anywhere on the horoscope wheel, and an astrological interpretation can immediately be seen in the interpretation window.
Furthermore, these programs are advanced astrology prediction software, which enables you to understand exactly what is going on in your life here and now. This astrology software is available for download as a free trial, and you can use it for a month before having to buy a registration key. You can access our astrology software online on this site and download it now. World of Wisdom programs are professional astrology software which also provides detailed astrology reports, which you can give freely to friends and family. You can also buy a license to sell the astrology reports professionally.
Despite providing accurate horoscope calculation and complete, detailed astrology reports of 25+ pages in length, World of Wisdom astrology software is inexpensive and amazingly user-friendly. Whether you are a beginner or an expert, using these astrology programs is pleasurable and without unnecessary complication or technicalities.
What to download (scroll down for more info):

Download Meanings if you want to read natal interpretations for rising sign, planets in signs and houses, and planetary aspects.
Download RF_Ephem_SE if you want an ephemeris generator & aspectarian for geo or helio, tropical or sidereal zodiacs - and more.
Download Vocation for natal reports and vocational analysis calculations, keywords, tutorials, and more!
Download Astro123 for natal, relationship (synastry), and transit reports, dual cosmodynes, keywords, tutorials, and more!
Download AstroWin for progressions, solar arcs, transits, solar and lunar returns, dual cosmodynes, planetary hours, diurnals, primary directions, astro-relocation maps, AND numerology.
Download Transits for checking your daily transits - with interpretations. Now available in an Android phone version as well.
Download SE_Aspectarian for calculating planetary aspectarians and exact aspect times.
Download SE_Cycles for calculating planetary aspectarians and exact aspect times - and more.
Download Election Helper for electional astrology (including helio and asteroids) and to see what is happening minute-by-minute.
Download Horary Helper for horary astrology calculations and tutorials.
Download Midpoint for investigating midpoints.
Download Discovering Horary for horary astrology calculations and LOTS more, including minute-by-minute transits to natal planets, midpoints, and house cusps.
Download AstroClk for electional astrology and to see what is happening minute-by-minute.
Download MatchMkr for investigating and researching astrological compatibility with Chiron, as well as generating lists of dates which have planetary composite chart and synastry aspects which meet user-selected criteria (get birth dates of people who may be compatible with you).
Download PopHR if you like to use planetary hours and see what planetary hour you are currently in.
My basic philosophy is this:
Do not charge people for something they could get for free elsewhere - that would not be fair to them.
Zet Astrology Software
Try to use whatever I have so that the most people can benefit from it.
Make people aware of my website so they may take advantage of all the tools I have here.
Common sense, practicality, and kindness should prevail.
Zet Astrology software, free download
We should never try to take advantage of others, only try to help them.If people want to make donations to you or anyone, then they should be free to do so ('Give as the heart dictates and the means permit').
Download my best astrology programs:
All this software is compatible with Windows 7 - Windows 10.Meanings - (new 14 Feb 2018)
RF_Ephem_SE - (new 15 Jan 2018)
Finding Lucky Times - (updated 08 Apr 2015)
Vocation - (updated 25 May 2010)
Astro123 - (updated 02 Jun 2009) - User Reviews
AstroWin - (updated 20 May 2011) - User Reviews
Transits - daily guide to planetary influences (updated 30 Jan 2012 - Android version)
SE_Aspectarian - (updated 31 Mar 2015)
SE_Cycles - (updated 30 Aug 2020)
Election Helper - (updated 25 May 2010)
Horary Helper - (updated 25 May 2010)
Midpoint - midpoint calculation program (updated 26 Dec 2014)
Discovering Horary - (new 15 November 2010)
AstroClk - (updated 19 Apr 2011 - new install file)
AstroClock Screen Saver - (updated 15 Mar 2004)
MatchMkr - (updated 18 Jan 2010)
Other Programs:
ProgTran - listing of progressions, solar arcs, and transits (updated 23 Apr 2006)
AstrLine - astroclock program (view display) (updated 14 Jan 2000)(may not work on Windows 7)
PopHR - Get better results in the things you do by working with planetary hours (updated 09 Dec 2006)

Zet Lite
Source Code:
Astrology DATABASE source code that you can modify yourself and make your own program. (updated 20 Apr 03)
Astrology source code that you can modify yourself and make your own program. (updated 05 Jan 05)
Please read:
To install: unzip the .zip file, then run setup.exe OR if the downloaded file is a .exe file, then just run it.
In order to properly use these programs, you will need to know the longitude, latitude, and time zone for the birth date and location you are working with. You may get this information online by visiting Alois Treindl's Astrodienst Atlas Database web site. Or call ACS at 1-800-888-9983 or Astrolabe at 1-800-843-6682 and order The American Atlas and/or The International Atlas for about $40 each.
If you get an error message when you try to display a chart wheel, then you must manually copy the appropriate file, HORARY.TTF, MATCHMKR.TTF, or ASTRO123.TTF, from your c:windowssystem directory or your application directory into your c:windowsfonts directory.